Learn-AT Research Hub
Following four years operating as an Associate Research School in partnership with Kyra Research School (now known as Lincolnshire Research School), we are delighted that this relationship will continue into the new academic year and beyond. Learn-AT Research Hub will see Lincolnshire Research School continue to operate with schools, leaders and teachers in Leicestershire, Leicester City and Rutland through the relationship with Learn Academies Trust.
In the past four years we have been proud to provide a wide range of support and engagement opportunities across the region. This has included the delivery of the headline Making the Difference for Disadvantaged Pupils programme for four cohorts of schools across three different local authority areas, development of a team of evidence leads in education from primary, secondary and special schools and participation in nationwide programmes such as the Support Recovery programme.
Through the partnership with Lincolnshire Research School we aim to:
- inspire engagement, by making visible ‘what works’ and making it accessible to all practitioners
- grow capacity, through encouraging leaders and teachers at all levels to be responsible for evidence-based practice in their classroom, with support from our core practitioner team
- identify local champions, who will model and innovate in their schools and their clusters
- build partnerships, harnessing our existing networks and developing new ones across the East Midlands region
- plan for sustainability, we will create an effective team approach, where ownership and participation levels are high and sustainability is inherent
- are ambitious for children, we will develop and deliver our vision of transforming the lives of the children we serve.
Click here to read the latest Lincolnshire Research School Newsletter and keep up-to-date with all the latest news by signing up here to receive the free monthly e-newsletter directly to your inbox. Take a look at their latest blog on Developing a Reading Culture to Support Disadvantaged Children to Thrive.